'The Castle on the Rock' was reviewed in our Magazine for February last. The present Novel, by the same Author, has been before published, we understand, in a periodical form, and is now collected with some additions. It is not written in a continuous narrative, like the former work; but in a Series of Letters. We leave it to the readers of novels to settle the advantages and disadvantages of either method; and think it only necessary to say, that, as in her former work, so here, the Author advocates the interests of virtue, and blends agreeable amusement with moral instruction.
She has also improved her style, been more careful in revision, or availed herself of assistance of some literary friend; as the inaccuracies and misconstructions which with pain we felt ourselves obliged to point out in 'The Castle on the Rock' are, in very few instances, observable in her present production.
Provided by Julie Shaffer, July 1999.