The following is a select bibliography relating to the three articles on Anne Grant by Pam Perkins.
Campbell, George Douglas, Eighth Duke of Argyll. Autobiography and Memoirs. 2 vols. London: J. Murray, 1906
Cockburn, Henry. Memorials of his Time (1856). Edinburgh: Mercat Press, 1988.
Douglas, George (8th Duke of Argyll). Autobiography and Memoirs. 2 vols. London, 1906.
Fletcher, Eliza. Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher of Edinburgh. Carlisle: privately printed, 1874.
Grant, Anne. Eighteen Hundred and Thirteen. London, 1814.
-----. Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders. 2 vols. London, 1811.
-----. Letters from the Mountains. 1806. 3 vols. London, 1807.
-----. Memoirs of an American Lady. 2 vols. London, 1808.
-----. Memoir and Correspondence of Mrs. Grant of Laggan. 3 vols. Ed. J.P. Grant. London: Longmans, 1844.
-----. Unpublished letter to the Rev. Dr. B[?] (5 Jan. 1807). British Library, Additional Manuscripts 39,871 ff. 97-100.
-----. Unpublished letter to George Chalmers (2 Sept. 1806). British Library, Additional Manuscripts 39,871 ff. 93-94.
-----. Unpublished letter to the Earl of Liverpool (13 Sept. 1835). British Library, Additional Manuscripts 38,300, ff. 188-89.
-----. Poems on Various Subjects. Edinburgh, 1803.
Grant, Elizabeth. Memoirs of a Highland Lady (1898). Edinburgh: Canongate Books, 1988.
Jeffrey, Francis. 'Mrs. Grant on Highlanders.' Rev. of Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders. Edinburgh Review 18 (1811): 480-510.
-----, et. al. Petition to the King on behalf of Anne Grant. British Library, Additional Manuscripts 38,300, ff. 10-12.
Johnstone, Christian I. Rev. of Memoirs and Correspondence of Mrs. Grant of Laggan. Tait's Magazine 11 n.s. (1844): 174 -181.
Rev. of Letters from the Mountains. British Critic 31 (1808): 608-613.
Rev. of Letters from the Mountains. Critical Review 9 s.3 (1806): 221-222.
Rev. of Poems on Various Subjects. British Critic 22 (1803): 291-297.
Scott, Sir Walter. The Antiquary. 1816. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1909.
-----. Journal of Sir Walter Scott. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.
Thomson, George. Unpublished letter to Anne Grant (2 Jan. 1804). British Library, Additional Manuscripts 35, 266 ff. 27v -28.
Pam Perkins, University of Manitoba
© 1999 Pam Perkins / Sheffield Hallam University