Monteith, a Novel, founded on Scottish History. By Mrs Rice, Author of 'The Deserted Wife.' 2 vols. 12mo. 8s. Longman & Co.
This tale is founded on the calamities that are supposed to have fallen on a particular noble family during that turbulent period of Scottish history which preceded the flight of Queen Mary to England. The incidents succeed each other in a manner calculated to excite some interest, but the characters are rudely sketched, and are often inconsistent, never strongly marked. The deficiencies in these points sometimes make the work appear very silly, and often render it disagreeable, if not disgusting. Upon the whole, however, it may be allowed to rank on an equality with the ordinary productions in this way. It must, indeed, be confessed that this is no great praise, nor is it meant to be so. [complete]
Provided by Julie A. Shaffer, January 2000