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Heaven's Best Gift
    (Review / Heaven's Best Gift: a Novel, by Mrs Lucius Phillips)
  Critical Review /JAS, 1798
  ns vol. 24 (1798): 114.
Heaven's Best Gift. A Novel. By Mrs Lucius Philips. 4 Vols. 12mo. 14s. Boards. Miller.

We are sorry that it is not in our power to compliment this lady on her talents for novel-writing. The story is absurd and inconsistent, even with all the latitude that writers of fiction may claim; and the characters are made up of the worst traits that are scattered over many novels. Of the writer's language some judgment may be formed from these short specimens: -

'Mrs Leland and Mrs Bellandine called her, as heretofore, chit and child; affecting to consider her being made of so much consequence of all around, was thereby to please miss Fitzhenry, whose folly it was to doat upon her.' Vol. iv. P. 81.


'As fate (that often amuses herself with weaving webs of perplexity for the sons and daughters of mankind) detained the British fleet by adverse winds, until such a change of measures took place in the cabinet, gave Mr Lindsay leisure to return to town, to remember miss Fitzhenry, and to recollect that his sister Stella and her [sic] dwelt together under the same roof; and, which this same fate prompted him, in conjunction, perhaps, with Mrs Leland's and Mrs Bellandine's malign geniusses [sic], at this precise juncture, to go down to see them.' Vol. iv. P. 82.

Provided by Julie A. Shaffer, January 2000