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The Heirs of Villeroy
    (Review / The Heirs of Villeroy: a Romance, by Henrietta Rouviere Mosse)
  Literary Journal /JAS, 1805
  vol. 5 (1805): 1222.
The Heirs of Villeroy; a Romance. By Henrietta Rouviere. 3 vols. 12s. Lane & Co.

This novel is by no means void of interest. The incidents are numerous and well arranged, and the characters for the most part well drawn and supported. But the effect of all this is almost completely counteracted by the strange absurdities which appear throughout. The understanding is shocked with the ridiculous tales of marks on children from some particular longing of the mother when she was pregnant. Besides this, we have instinctive feelings and foresight, with a variety of such nonsense. After all, however, the authoress may find readers to which all this will seem probable and pleasing. The lady, who lately longed to salute the minister, will give the whole implicit faith; and it is to be feared that there is no small number of the same description. But this is the reason that absurdity of this sort becomes so pernicious. Ridiculous notions are thus raised in the imaginations of the ignorant, and supported by the same means. The next time the authoress writes, we would advise her to attend a little more to the dictates of common sense. [complete]

Provided by Julie A. Shaffer, January 2000