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Constantia Neville
    (Review / Constantia Neville; or, the West Indian: a Novel, by Helena Wells)
  Monthly Mirror /JAS, 1800
  vol. 10 (1800): 95.
Constantia Neville; or, the West Indian. A Novel. By Helena Wells. 3 vols. 15s. 12mo. Cadell and Davis, 1800.

In novels which, from their structure and design, are likely in a particular degree, to fall into the hands of the fair sex, our first attention is directed to tendency; and we are happy to state, that Helena Wells is in no shape answerable for any sentiments, descriptions, or discussions, which are calculated to raise a blush upon the cheek of a modest woman, and in which, even female writers have sometimes not been ashamed to indulge.

The work is, in other respects, entitled to commendation. The reader will be much amused by the characters and incidents introduced into the novel, which are, in general, natural and probable; and the lively and agreeable style in which it is written, will conduct him pleasantly through the several stages of the narrative. [complete]

Provided by Julie A. Shaffer, January 2000