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Constantia Neville
    (Review / Constantia Neville; or, the West Indian: a Novel, by Helena Wells)
  Anti-Jacobin / JAS, 1801
  vol. 8 (1801): 60.
Constantia Neville: or, The West Indian. A Novel. By Helena Wells, Author of the Stepmother, &c. 3 Vols. 12s. Cadell and Davies. London. Crouch. Edinburgh. 1800.

We most heartily deprecate the resentment of the fair author of this admirable work, for the neglect we have unintentionally been guilty of towards her. Our best apology will be found in the real truth, namely, that had we had perceived in it, the smallest traits of those opinions, which it is our duty to reprobate, it would sooner have been held forth to the world in its proper point of view.

A novel, which by its own intrinsic merits hath so well made its way to public estimation, stands not in need of our commendation. We cannot however avoid, for our own sakes, declaring, that as moralists, we recommend it for the purity and soundness of its principles: and as friends to the religion of our country, for that piety and Christian humility, which it so strongly inculcates. We envy not the powers of that understanding, nor the qualities of that heart which are not enlarged and amended by the perusal of this publication. [complete]

Provided by Julie A. Shaffer, January 2000