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Tales of the Abbey
    (Review / Tales of the Abbey: Founded on Historical Facts, by Mrs A Kendall)
  Critical Review /JAS, 1801
  ns 31 p235
ART. 54. - Tales of the Abbey, founded on Historical Facts. By A. Kendall, Author of Derwent Priory, &c. 3 Vols. 12mo. 10s. 6d. Boards. Symonds. 1800.

To attempt giving appropriate language and manners to the widow of Sidney and the successor of Essex is not a common task: it is the reverse of 'Edward's armour beaming on Cibber's breast;' and, in every step of the present production, we perceive modern manners, and the ideas of a very recent period. The sliding pannel, the passing sigh, with the various paraphernalia of modern novels, have been too often repeated to interest or attract. Our authoress, however, is not without merit; she is only unfortunate in her choice of the subject. The story is not unskilfully managed; the situations are often interesting; the romantic scenery in which the principal transactions occur is described with taste and propriety; and, probability is never greatly violated. A domestic tale would probably better suit the writer's talents. [complete]

Provided by Julie A. Shaffer, September 1999.