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A Gossip's Story, and a Legendary Tale
    (Review / A Gossip's Story, and a Legendary Tale, by Jane West)
  Monthly Review /JAS, 1797
  vol 22 p92
Art. 20. A Gossip's Story, and a Legendary Tale, by the Author of Advantages of Elocution [sic]. 12mo. 2 Vols. 6s. sewed. Longman. 1796.

The Legendary Tale, having very little connexion with the chief subject of these volumes, might as well have been omitted; since, though far from uninteresting, it is enfeebled by its length, and is deficient in that correctness without which middling poetry is much inferior to indifferent prose. We can, however, recommend the Story as uniting to a great degree of interest the rarer qualities of good sense and an accurate knowledge of mankind. The grammatical errors and vulgarisms, which disgrace many even of our most celebrated novels, have here no place; and several of the shorter poetical pieces interspersed through the work have very considerable merit. Amusement is combined with utility, and fiction is enlisted in the cause of virtue and practical philosophy.

[complete] Provided by Julie A. Shaffer, August 1999.