A Tale of the Times. By the Author of 'A Gossip's Story.' 12s. 3 vols. 12mo. Longman and Rees. 1798.
Among the literary females of the present age, Mrs. West ranks deservedly high; but, yet, not so high as we think she deserves. Of her Gossip's Story, we spoke in strong terms of praise, and her Tale would be entitled to the same estimation, if we regarded it simply as a composition; but some part of the design does not happily assimilate with a work of fancy. In order to controvert principles and systems, which she conceives dangerous to society, she is obliged to enter a little into discussions, which we should always desire to exclude from performances of this nature. The author has effected this, however, in the most ingenious manner, and we cannot but admire the spirit and interest of her narrative, the force and consistency of her characters, the connection and probability of her incidents, and the striking utility of her MORAL.
[complete] Provided by Julie Shaffer, August 1999.